Test-project Mac OS

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  1. Test-project Mac Os 11
  2. Test-project Mac Os X
  3. Test-project Mac Os Download
  4. Test-project Mac Os Catalina

For Mac OS platforms, OS X 10.4.x (Tiger) is no longer officially supported. SDK and AVD Manager: Fixes SSL download for the standalone version of the SDK Updater. Fixes issue with 64-bit JVM on Windows. Adds support for platform samples components. Improves support for dependency between components. AVDs now sorted by API level. I created a test project in Xcode 12 (the other one I began with Xcode 11 and I would like to continue supporting iOS 13 for a while.) and added all Firebase pods. The project builds without any problem. When I check the nanopb-umbrella.h file. I find quotes instead of angled brackets! Winium is a new open source framework, that's based on Selenium and consists of 3 parts: Supports test automation on Windows applications. Supports test automation on Windows Phone operating system context (home button, notifications bar, toggles etc.) Supports test automation on Windows Phone applications.

Functional Testing a Mac OS X Application

This tutorial provides a brief introduction to theAppPerfect App Test product using a set of hands-on practice exercises. This tutorial assumes you havesuccessfully downloaded and installed AppPerfect App Test on your machine with the defaultoptions. Apart from this pre-requisite, this tutorial is self contained.

This document is divided into following sections

Within each section, multiple exercises are listed. Each exercise forms a logical unitwhich is expected to take no more than a few minutes to perform. All exercisesuse the TextEdit application available under '/Applications/TextEdit.app/Contents/MacOS/' folder.

All exercises assume you have installed the product in /AppPerfect/AppTest folder and willbe referred as AppTest_HOME henceforth in tutorial. If you have installed the product insome other folder, modify the instructions below appropriately.

Test-project Mac OS

This tutorial is not intended as a comprehensive training guide. Please refer to theproduct documentation for detailed information. However, this tutorial will give you a very good overviewof the products and substantially improve your productivity with the product.

Creating Project
Exercise 1: Launch AppPerfect App Test
  1. App Test requires that you enable the Accessibility API. To enable it, open Universal Access under System Preferences, which is accessible from the 'Apple' menu on the top-left corner of your screen. Make sure that 'Enable access for assistive devices' is checked.
  2. From your installation directory (by default located at 'AppPerfect_AppTest_11.5.0' folder in your home directory) launch the application 'AppPerfect App Test'
  3. On launching AppPerfect App Test a Welcome page will be displayed. Go through the brief description given for product.
    NB: Welcome page is displayed only when App Test x.x.x is launched and last time no project was opened.
Exercise 2: Creating a Project
  1. Launch the Define New Project Dialog by clicking File ->New.. menu option. The New Project wizard will be launched.
  2. Keep the default project name and location for the purpose of this exercise. Click on the OK button.
  3. A confirmation message saying that the project is saved will be displayed. Click on the OK button.

Now using this common project we will create tests to demonstrate the functionalities of AppPerfectApp Test product.

AppPerfect App Test

NB: Please follow the steps provided in the 'Creating Project' section to first create a project,then proceed further.

Exercise 1: Define a App Test project
  1. Once the common project is successfully created another dialog - Define Project Properties dialog - will be displayed.
  2. The dialog shows various options which can be configured for the project, leave them default and click on OK button.
  3. Click through all the menu items to familiarize yourself with the available features and how to access them. Viewing through all menu items will give a reasonable overview of the application.
  4. Click Help -> Table of Contents menu item to see AppPerfect App Test product documentation
  5. Open the Preferences dialog by selecting the menu option Tools -> Options..
  6. Review the default settings for App Test and click the OK button to close the dialog.
Exercise 2: Recording a Test
  1. To start recording, click on Project -> Record test.. in the menu bar.'
  2. 'AppPerfect Recorder' dialog will be displayed. Select ActionGroup1 from the Group combo and provide proper executable path as '/Applications/TextEdit.app/Contents/MacOS/TextEdit' depending on the path on your machine. Now Click on 'Start recording' button.
  3. An instance of TextEdit Application will be launched.
  4. Click somewhere in the application to trigger recording.
  5. Type text 'Hello' in the edit box of TextEdit.
  6. Click on Menu 'TextEdit > About TextEdit', click on the close button.
  7. Type text ', to AppPerfect App Test' after 'Hello' in the edit box.
  8. Now click after ',' and type 'Welcome ' in the edit box.
  9. Close TextEdit application using Menu option 'TextEdit > Quit TextEdit'. A dialog asking do you want to save changes will be shown, click on 'Don't Save' in this dialog. .
  10. Click on the Stop button of 'AppPerfect Recorder' dialog to stop the recording session.
  11. Click on Close button to close the 'AppPerfect Recorder' dialog.
  12. In the AppPerfect App Test window, look at the tree on the left. Each action you performed has been recorded.
  13. Click on any of the recorded action on the left. The image of the window associated with that action is displayed on right hand frame. You can also find element/event details and recorded window properties/attributes there
Exercise 3: Executing a test
  1. To start replay of the recorded test, click on Project -> Run from the menu bar.
  2. An instance of TextEdit Application will be launched and each of the recorded events is replayed. No manual intervention is required during test replay, unless an error is encountered.
Exercise 4: View and analyze results
  1. After replay, results are displayed in Results tab located at the top left of the window.
  2. Click on Results tab. Test results details are displayed on the right. Click on individual items in the tree on the left to view details on specific actions.
  3. Browse and examine the different views that are displayed on selecting the various nodes in the navigation tree.
  4. Select the Action Group node. This report gives a summary of the successful, failed, timed-out & not played Events & Windows.

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  • Visual Studio 2019 version 16.6 — Visual Studio Installer
  • Visual Studio 2019 for Mac version 8.6 — Visual Studio for Mac Installerwith the Stableupdater channel

What's new in Xamarin.Android 10.3

Xamarin.Android 10.3 releases

  • June 2, 2020 — Xamarin.Android Visual Studio 2019 for Mac version 8.6.2.
  • June 1, 2020 — Xamarin.Android Visual Studio 2019 version 16.6.1.
  • May 19, 2020 — Xamarin.Android Visual Studio 2019 version 16.6 and Visual Studio 2019 for Mac version 8.6

Corresponding Visual Studio 2019 release notes

June 1 and 2, 2020 — Xamarin.Android

This version is included in the Visual Studio 2019 version 16.6.1 release andin the Stable updater channel of Visual Studio 2019 for Mac version 8.6.2.

Issues fixed in Xamarin.Android

Application and library build and deployment

  • Developer Community 955972Starting in Xamarin.Android 10.3, error APT2258: not well-formed (invalidtoken) prevented using accented characters or other non-ASCII UTF-8characters in Android layout files that also contained custom views.
  • Developer Community 955972Starting in Xamarin.Android 10.3, errors similar to error XARLC7000:System.Xml.XmlException: Invalid character in the given encoding couldprevent successful builds for certain project configurations, such as projectslocated in directory paths that contained accented characters or othernon-ASCII UTF-8 characters.

Application behavior on device and emulator

  • Developer Community 1021788:GitHub 4727:Starting in Xamarin.Android 10.3, many typemap: unable to find mapping to aJava type from managed type messages were logged to the application outputfor running apps, in some cases causing Visual Studio to become unresponsiveuntil the output window caught up.
  • Developer Community 1030901,GitHub 4664:Starting in Xamarin.Android 10.3, localized resources from .resx files wereno longer deployed when building and deploying from within Visual Studio to anattached device or emulator. (In contrast, clean builds on the command lineworked as expected.)

May 19, 2020 — Xamarin.Android

This version is included in the Visual Studio 2019 version 16.6 release and inthe Stable updater channel of Visual Studio 2019 for Mac version 8.6.

In Xamarin.Android

Deprecations, removals, and default configuration changes

Build and deployment performance

  • GitHub PR 3885:Adjust caching of device information during the build so it covers the casewhere no device or emulator is found. This reduced the time for theDetectIfAppWasUninstalled task from about 2 seconds to about 0 seconds,bringing the total time down closer to the time for a build where a device oremulator is available.
  • GitHub PR 3999:Allow BuildApk to merge new files into the previous APK instead ofgenerating a new APK from scratch for incremental builds where an Androidresource file has changed. This reduced the incremental build time for theBuildApk step from about 4 seconds to about 0.7 seconds for a small test appwhen one Android resource file was changed between builds.
  • GitHub PR 4158:Update the default order of strategies used to detect installed packages tominimize time for modern devices. This can potentially save about 100milliseconds for the first deployment of an app after launching Visual Studio.
  • GitHub PR 4215:Remove a redundant call to the ResolveAssemblyReference task during the_ResolveSatellitePaths target. This reduced the total time spent in callsto ResolveAssemblyReference from about 240 milliseconds to about 150milliseconds for incremental builds of a medium sized project. The samesavings also apply to the deployment step, resulting in an approximatecombined savings of 180 milliseconds for build and deployment of the testproject.
  • GitHub PR 4236:Use a Lazy type to access the NuGet lock file so it is only loaded whenneeded, and remove some redundant logging messages. This reduced the totaltime for the ResolveAssemblies task from about 320 milliseconds to about 240milliseconds for incremental builds of a medium sized project. The samesavings also apply to the deployment step, resulting in an approximatecombined savings of 160 milliseconds for build and deployment of the testproject.
  • GitHub PR 4251:Reuse MemoryStream instances throughout the Xamarin.Android build targets tosave on allocations. This reduced the combined time for the_GenerateJavaStubs, _ResolveLibraryProjectImports, and_GeneratePackageManagerJava targets from about 3.3 seconds to about 3.0seconds for an incremental build of a test app where the MainActivity typewas modified between builds.
  • GitHub PR 4260:Remove unneeded calls to string.Format() during the LinkAssembliesNoShrinktask. This reduced the time for the task from about800 milliseconds to about 770 milliseconds for an initial clean build of asmall Xamarin.Forms test app.
  • GitHub PR 4268,Java.Interop GitHub PR 570:Implement and switch to a new set of wrapper methods around the Mono.Cecilmethods to allow caching the results during the GenerateJavaStubs task.This reduced the time for the task from about 1.4 seconds to about 0.9 secondsfor an initial clean build of small test Xamarin.Forms test app.
  • GitHub PR 4303:Replace string interpolation during typemap assembly code generation inGenerateJavaStubs with sequential calls to StreamWriter.Write(). Thisreduced the total time for GenerateJavaStubs from about 1.3 seconds to about0.9 seconds for an initial clean build of a small Xamarin.Forms test app.
  • GitHub PR 4308:Skip executing keytool -list during the SignAndroidPackage target. Thissaved about 200 milliseconds for the SignAndroidPackage target forincremental builds where a new APK was generated, such as after changing anAndroid resource.
  • GitHub PR 4316:Switch the LinkAssembliesNoShrink task to take advantage of the caching fromthe new Mono.Cecil wrapper methods introduced in Java.Interop GitHub PR570. This reduced the time for the task from about 710 millisecondsto about 700 milliseconds for an initial clean build of a small Xamarin.Formstest app.
  • GitHub PR 4320:Update the version of LibZipSharp used by the build tasks to 1.0.10, whichswitches several byte[] instances to System.Buffers.ArrayPool instances tosave on allocations. This reduced the combined time for theResolveLibraryProjectImports and BuildApk tasks from about 5.3 seconds toabout 5.0 seconds for a small test Xamarin.Forms app on an initial cleanbuild.
  • GitHub PR 4395:Remove use of temporary files during the ConvertResourcesCases task. Thisreduced the time for the task from about 610 milliseconds to about 510milliseconds for a moderately large real-world project on initial clean buildsas well as on incremental builds with Android resource changes.
  • GitHub 4415:Starting in Xamarin.Android, System.NotSupportedException:Cannot create instance of type .. no Java peer type found caused certainapps to crash during launch after incremental deployments.
  • Java.Interop GitHub PR 559:Switch from using Assembly.GetName().Name to using Assembly.FullNamecombined with string.Substring() inJavaNativeTypeManager.GetPackageName(). This reduced the time forGenerateJavaStubs from about 390 milliseconds to about 360 milliseconds foran initial clean build of a small Xamarin.Forms test app.
  • Java.Interop GitHub PR 577:Change a LINQ expression to a loop in Java.Interop's IsSubclassOf()extension method. This reduced the time for GenerateJavaStubs from about560 milliseconds to about 540 milliseconds for an initial clean build of asmall Xamarin.Forms test app.
  • Java.Interop GitHub PR 596:Use File.Exists() instead of DirectoryGetFile() in a few places. Thisreduced the time for the LinkAssembliesNoShrink task from about 710milliseconds to about 430 milliseconds for a small test Xamarin.Forms app onan initial clean build.

App startup performance

  • GitHub PR 3958:Skip scanning for .exe files during app startup because Xamarin.Android appsonly expect .dll assemblies. This reduced the Runtime.init() phase ofapplication startup for a small test app from about 165 milliseconds to about164 milliseconds on a Google Pixel 3 XL device and from about 530 millisecondsto about 450 milliseconds on an x86 emulator using HAXM.
  • GitHub PR 3992:Optimize the storage format of the per-application Java-to-managed andmanaged-to-Java type mappings to allow more efficient lookups. This reducedthe time to display the first screen of a small test Xamarin.Forms app fromabout 800 milliseconds to about 790 milliseconds for a Release configurationbuild on a Google Pixel 3 XL device.
  • GitHub PR 4302:Avoid unneeded calls to GetCustomAttribute() during app startup for thecommon case where an app has no types decorated withJniAddNativeMethodRegistrationAttribute. Additionally, instead of using amanaged method to propagate uncaught exceptions from Java, use a Java methodthat calls into the unmanaged Xamarin.Android runtime. These changes reducedthe time to display the first screen of a small test Xamarin.Forms app fromabout 730 milliseconds to about 700 milliseconds for a Release configurationbuild on a Google Pixel 3 XL device.
  • Java.Interop GitHub PR 541Add [MethodImpl (MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] to Java.Interopmethods and properties that are called many times during Xamarin.Forms appstartup. This reduced the time to display the first screen of a blankXamarin.Forms app from about 560 milliseconds to about 540 milliseconds for aRelease configuration build on a Google Pixel 3 XL device.
  • Java.Interop GitHub PR 555:Implement and switch to a new JniTypeManager.GetTypeSignature() method thatreturns a JniTypeSignature instance instead of anIEnumerable. This reduced the time to display the firstscreen of a small test Xamarin.Forms app from about 760 milliseconds to about750 milliseconds for a Release configuration build on a Google Pixel 3 XLdevice. It also reduced the number of object allocations from about 9300 toabout 8900.
  • Java.Interop GitHub PR 557:Remove unneeded calls to IntrospectionExtensions.GetTypeInfo() now thatJava.Interop is a .NET Standard library rather than a PCL. This reduced thetime to display the first screen of a small test Xamarin.Forms app from about755 milliseconds to about 753 milliseconds for a Release configuration buildon a Google Pixel 3 XL device.
  • Java.Interop GitHub PR 574:Skip calling GetCustomAttribute() in cases whereJniTypeManager.GetSimpleReference() can be used instead.
  • Java.Interop GitHub PR 582:Remove a static array initialization from JniRuntime and an array iterationduring JniRuntime.JniTypeManager.GetTypeSignature(), and leverageType.GetTypeCode() for faster lookups of builtin types.
  • Mono GitHub PR 19102:Use GArray instead of GList when getting custom attributes from an image.This reduces the number of memory allocations during app startup for astandard Xamarin.Forms app, which should improve startup times by severalmilliseconds.

Android resource editing performance

  • GitHub PR 3674:Correct the Inputs for the _ManagedUpdateAndroidResgen target so that thetarget is skipped as expected during incremental design-time builds.

Mono Framework version update to 6.12

Xamarin.Android now uses theMono 6.12runtime and class librariesat Commit 165f4b03,bringing in about 900 new commits.

Preview bindings for Android 11 Developer Preview 2

This version includes preview bindings for the second Developer Preview ofAndroid 11 from Google. See the Android 11 DeveloperPreview documentation for additional information about thebehavior and API changes in this new Android version. To try the bindings forthe new APIs in a Xamarin.Android project, set Compile using Android version:(Target Framework) to Android 10.0.99 (R) under the Application tab ofthe Visual Studio project property pages. This sets theTargetFrameworkVersion property to v10.0.99 in the .csproj file:

New features

These bindings take advantage of C# 8.0's support for default and staticinterface members to provide C# interface APIs that more closely match theoriginal Android APIs.

For example, in the Android.Views.TextClassifiers namespace,TextClassifier.HintTextIsEditable is now available asITextClassifier.HintTextIsEditable, and the oldTextClassifier.HintTextIsEditable field is marked [Obsolete].


An older set of bindings for interface constants were also available inConsts classes like TextClassifierConsts in earlier target frameworkversions. Those classes were marked [Obsolete] for several years. Theyhave been removed completely for the Android 10.0.99 (R) target frameworkversion. Project authors are encouraged to switch to the new interfacemembers like ITextClassifier.HintTextIsEditable at their earliestconvenience.

R8 configured to suppress common build errors

Xamarin.Android now configures R8 to skip emitting errors for Java dependencywarnings such as:

This allows a more gradual transition to R8, particularly for projects that areusing R8 for multidex only and not code shrinking.

Although these R8 warnings will no longer cause the build to fail, projectauthors are encouraged to address the warnings at their earliest convenience andthen set R8 back to its original stricter behavior. To restore the originalbehavior, set the AndroidR8IgnoreWarnings MSBuild property to false in the.csproj file:

Example: How to solve Missing class: org.apache.http.client

Best solution

Update any NuGet packages or Java dependencies that use the Apache HTTP clientto newer versions that use java.net.HttpURLConnection instead. This is thebest solution because starting in Android 6.0 Marshmallow (API level 23), theApache HTTP client is deprecated in favor of the more efficientHttpURLConnection.

Second-best solution

If new library versions are not yet available that use HttpURLConnection,then, where possible, update any NuGet packages that use Apache HTTP client tonewer versions that include a UsesLibraryAttribute for org.apache.http.legacy:

NuGet package authors who cannot yet update all Java dependencies to useHttpURLConnection are encouraged to add this attribute to their projects assoon as possible.

This attribute automatically generates the following element under the node of AndroidManifest.xml for any app that references theNuGet package:

Fallback solution

If updated NuGet package versions are not yet available with the attribute, thenadd the same UsesLibraryAttribute directly to the application project instead:

Background information

The Missing class: org.apache.http.client warning indicates that the app has aJava dependency on the Apache HTTP client. Starting in Android 6.0 Marshmallow(API level 23), that client was deprecated and moved outof android.jar into its own org.apache.http.legacy.jar library. As aresult, applications that use Apache HTTP client on Android 6.0 or higher willonly be able to call the APIs successfully if they declare the use oforg.apache.http.legacy via a element inAndroidManifest.xml. Otherwise, the API calls will fail with exceptionssimilar to:

Example: How to solve Missing class: java.lang.ClassValue


It is typically safe to suppress this warning:

  1. Add a new text file to the project, named for example proguard-rules.pro.

  2. Set the contents of the file to:

  3. Edit the .csproj file in a text editor and add --pg-conf proguard-rules.pro to the AndroidR8ExtraArguments MSBuild property, forexample by adding the following lines:

    (If the project is configured to use R8 for code shrinking, an easier optionis to set the Build Action of proguard-rules.pro toProguardConfiguration in the Visual Studio Properties window, butthat approach is not yet supported when using R8 for multidex only.)

Background information

The Missing class: java.lang.ClassValue warning indicates that the appreferences a library that uses java.lang.ClassValue. Typically this happenswhen the app references a library that was built to run on multiple Javaplatforms. On Android, the java.lang.ClassValue type does not exist in thejava.lang package.

One known scenario that produces this warning is when an app references theXamarin.Firebase.Firestore NuGet package, which depends on the cross-platformGoogle Guava library. Guava uses java.lang.ClassValue, but it only uses it onplatforms where it is available, so it is safe to suppress the Missing class:java.lang.ClassValue warning for that library.

A future version of the Xamarin.Guava.Google NuGet package will provide the-dontwarn java.lang.ClassValue R8 rule to suppress the warning automatically.In the mean time, application authors can suppress the warning by adding therule to their app projects directly.

More thorough clean of obj directory between builds

In previous versions, Xamarin.Android reserved a costlier, more completeincremental clean of the intermediate output directory for special scenarioswhere a NuGet package changed or where the AndroidPackageNamingPolicy MSBuildproperty changed. Xamarin.Android 10.3 expands this behavior to perform themore complete clean for changes to several other MSBuild properties:

  • AndroidAotMode
  • AndroidCreatePackagePerAbi
  • AndroidDexTool
  • AndroidEmbedProfilers
  • AndroidEnableProfiledAot
  • AndroidExplicitCrunch
  • AndroidGenerateJniMarshalMethods
  • AndroidIncludeDebugSymbols
  • AndroidLinkMode
  • AndroidLinkSkip
  • AndroidLinkTool
  • AndroidNdkDirectory
  • AndroidPackageFormat
  • AndroidSdkBuildToolsVersion
  • AndroidSdkDirectory
  • AndroidSequencePointsMode
  • AndroidUseLatestPlatformSdk
  • AndroidUseSharedRuntime
  • AotAssemblies
  • BundleAssemblies
  • EmbedAssembliesIntoApk
  • JavaSdkDirectory
  • MonoSymbolArchive
  • OS
  • TargetFrameworkVersion
  • XamarinAndroidVersion

This should reduce the number of cases where project authors need to run a fullclean by hand after changing one of these properties, such as after updating toa new Xamarin.Android version.

Changes to these particular properties already triggered additional build steps,so this new behavior should not noticeably increase incremental build times. Asin the past, to get the best incremental build times, avoid changing theseproperties back and forth too much between builds.

Compatibility with embedded debug information

The Mono Framework version in this Xamarin.Android version adds compatibilityfor reading embedded debugging information from assemblies built with Build >Advanced > Debugging information set to Embedded in the Visual Studioproject property pages. This corresponds to the embeddedvalue for the DebugType MSBuild property in the .csproj file:

See the symbol embedding design documentation for moreinformation.

Support for Android App Bundle configuration files

The Android App Bundle publishing format includes an option to customize certaindetails about how APKs are generated from the bundle, such as whether or not aseparate configuration APK is generated for each set of language resources,screen density resources, and ABI libraries. See the documentation aboutBundleConfig.json files to learn more. Xamarin.Androidnow includes an option to pass this kind of configuration file to bundletoolduring the build process.

To specify a configuration file, set the AndroidBundleConfigurationFileMSBuild property to the path of the file. For example, add lines similar to thefollowing to the .csproj file:


Xamarin.Android configures some of the settings automatically, including thelist of file extensions to leave uncompressed.

Stream.Seek() for file streams from Android APIs

Until now, Stream.Seek() and related properties like Stream.Position alwaysthrew NotSupportedException on Stream instances returned from Android APImethods. In Xamarin.Android 10.3, Stream.Seek() and the other relatedproperties are now available on these Stream instances when the underlyingJava types inherit from FileInputStream.

Localized errors and warnings for builds

Many of the errors and warnings in the Xamarin.Android build tasks now providelocalized messages that match the region and language settings of the buildenvironment.

Java.Interop nullable reference types compatibility

The Java.Interop assembly has been updated for compatibility with C# 8.0nullable reference type checks. Any projects that are using typesdirectly from the Java.Interop assembly can now optionally place that code in anullable context to take advantage of additional compiler nullability checks.Most Xamarin.Android projects only use the Java.Interop assembly indirectly, sothis change is not relevant for most projects.

Mono.Data.Sqlite SQLite version update

The version of SQLite used by Mono.Data.Sqlite in Xamarin.Android has beenupdated from 3.28.0 to 3.31.1,bringing in security fixes, improvements, and bug fixes.

Default Android tools versions update to 29.0

The default Android SDK Build-Tools version has been updated from 28.0.3 to29.0.2. This version can be changed per-project if needed via theAndroidSdkBuildToolsVersion MSBuild property.

The default Android SDK Platform-Tools version has been updated from 28.0.0 to29.0.5. This version can be changed per-project if needed via theAndroidSdkPlatformToolsVersion MSBuild property.

XA1011 error for D8 with ProGuard

Any project using the D8 DEX compiler that has either Code shrinker(AndroidLinkTool) set to ProGuard or the older AndroidEnableProguardMSBuild property set to true will now get an XA1011 build error:

In the past, this configuration was allowed, but now only the R8 code shrinkeris supported for use with the D8 DEX compiler.

To resolve this error, update the Code shrinker setting in the Visual Studioproject property pages to r8. This corresponds to the r8 value for theAndroidLinkTool MSBuild property in the .csproj file:


The b side mac os. R8 might in some cases produce new build warnings or errors compared toProGuard, so the ProGuard rules for the project might require updates afterthis change.

XA0122 and CS0618 warnings for deprecated Java.Interop.DoNotPackageAttribute

Any app project that references a Xamarin.Android bindings library containinguses of Java.Interop.DoNotPackageAttribute will now get a XA0122 buildwarning:

Similarly, any library project that includes a use of [assembly: Java.Interop.DoNotPackageAttribute] will now get a CS0618 build warning:

Java.Interop.DoNotPackageAttribute will be removed in a future release. NuGetpackage authors are encouraged to transition away from it at their earliestconvenience. The recommended approach is to include the external library as aseparate file within the NuGet package and add a .props file in both thebuild and buildTransitive directories of the NuGetpackage that sets the library as a AndroidExternalJavaLibrary item forconsuming app projects. For example, if the external library is includedalongside the .props file in the build and buildTransitive directories,then the contents of the .props file can be:

CS0619 error for obsolete constant fields

Certain previously deprecated constant fields in the Android API bindings havebeen updated from [Obsolete] to [Obsolete(error:true)]. These types willnow produce CS0619 errors instead of CS0618 warnings.

To resolve these errors, switch to the types mentioned in the error messages.For example, for Android.Content.ComponentCallbacks2.TrimMemoryBackground, theerror message is:

To resolve this example error, switch the type toAndroid.Content.TrimMemory.Background. Microarchaeology mac os.

Bindings projects exclusion of private nested types

Previously, Xamarin.Android bindings projects generated public bindings for allnested Java types, even when the types had private or package-privatevisibility. Bindings projects now respect private visibilities on nested typesand no longer generate bindings for those types.


This change in behavior can result in new C# compiler errors for bindingsprojects, such as:

To restore any needed missing types, adjust the visibilities by adding rulessimilar the following to the TransformsMetadata.xml file:

Removal of AndroidExplicitCrunch feature

In previous Xamarin.Android versions, setting the AndroidExplicitCrunchMSBuild property to true would configure the build tocrunch PNG drawable resources using a separate MSBuild taskbefore passing them to AAPT.

This feature was never compatible with projects configured to use AAPT2 and wasautomatically disabled in those projects. For projects configured to use theolder AAPT tool, this feature could cause builds to rerun AAPT on every build.Due to these limitations, this feature has now been removed fromXamarin.Android. The AndroidExplicitCrunch MSBuild property is now ignored.Project authors who added this property to their .csproj files in the past cannow remove it.

Removal of F# Resource.designer.fs file support

F# Xamarin.Android projects now generate Resource.designer.cs files instead ofResource.designer.fs files. The recommended way to consume these files is tothe install the Xamarin.Android.FSharp.ResourceProviderNuGet package, which surfaces F# types for the content in the .cs file.

Test-project Mac Os 11

See the DisplayPlatformInfo sample for an example of howto use Xamarin.Android.FSharp.ResourceProvider.


Xamarin.Android.FSharp.ResourceProvider does not supportResource.designer.cs files located in the intermediate output directory, sogeneration of resource designer files in the intermediate output directory isnow disabled for F# projects.

Removal of keystore certificate fingerprint from build output

The performance improvement from GitHub PR 4308 that skips executingkeytool -list during the build means that the SHA-1 certificate fingerprint nolonger appears in the build output. To determine certificate fingerprints inthis version, follow the steps from the Finding your Keystore'sSignature guide instead.

Removal of .exe reference support

To improve performance, Xamarin.Android no longer probes for .exe files duringapp startup.

Projects must now use .dll assemblies for all dependencies. Compatibledependency types include .NET Standard libraries, Xamarin.Android classlibraries, Xamarin.Android binding libraries, shared projects, and portableclass libraries.

Background information

The Xamarin.Android build process has historically used .dll files by default,so this change should only affect dependencies built using other project typesor custom build targets.

Also, the build process has intentionally skipped .exe files when packagingAPKs since as far back as Xamarin.Android 9.4, so this new Xamarin.Android 10.3behavior at run time is unlikely to affect app behavior for project authorsupgrading from Xamarin.Android 9.4 or above.

Issues fixed in Xamarin.Android

Application and library build and deployment

  • Developer Community 861086:Starting in Xamarin.Android 10.1, errors similar to 'fixedsize' isincompatible with attribute ChildLayout (attr) enum prevented buildingprojects successfully if they contained custom attribute names ending with theword Layout.
  • Developer Community 888836:ADB1000: Deployment failed System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException .. Parametername: length could prevent successful deployment on certain devices.
  • Developer Community 917114:error MSB4018: The 'CreateManagedLibraryResourceArchive' task failedunexpectedly .. System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: startIndex cannot belarger than length of string. caused builds to abort for Xamarin.Androidclass library projects that included AndroidAsset items with paths outsideof the project directory.
  • GitHub 2654:Directory objReleaseandroidassets contains *.dll but no debug symbolsfile was found. warnings were shown by default in Release configurationbuilds for apps that referenced libraries without debug symbols. Thesewarnings were often caused by NuGet packages and so could not be resolved byapp project authors. These warnings have been demoted to informationalmessages for now.
  • GitHub 3636:Error inflating class android.support.v7.widget.FitWindowsLinearLayout --->Java.Lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class'android.support.v7.widget.FitWindowsLinearLayout' and similar errors couldprevent apps built with Code shrinker set to ProGuard or r8 fromrunning successfully unless custom ProGuard rules were added to the project byhand. In Xamarin.Android 10.3, projects configured to use AAPT2 now pass the--proguard option to AAPT2 to generate default ProGuard rules that moreclosely match the defaults for Android Studio projects, removing the need toadd custom rules for common scenarios like the FitWindowsLinearLayout typefrom the Android Support Library.
  • GitHub 3813:Xamarin.Android did not yet support Android App Bundle configuration files.
  • GitHub PR 4149:The managed linker did not yet consider the Java.Interop.GenericMarshalernamespace for linking when set to link SDK assemblies only.
  • GitHub PR 4214:The ConvertResourcesCases task could leave behind a file in the user'stemporary directory after the build.
  • GitHub PR 4340:error XA0031: Java SDK 1.8 or above is required when targetingFrameworkVersion did not yet mention the full MSBuild property nameTargetFrameworkVersion.
  • GitHub PR 4357:error XA0003 and error XA0004 messages did not yet mentionAndroidManifest.xml or include the full name of the android:versionCodeXML attribute.
  • GitHub PR 4378:Misleading error MSB6006: 'jarsigner.exe' exited with code 1 or errorMSB6006: 'java.exe' exited with code 2 was shown if the AndroidKeyStoreMSBuild property was true and the AndroidSigningKeyStore property was setto a file that did not exist.
  • GitHub PR 4387:error XA1010: Invalid application placeholders.. did not yet mention theassociated AndroidManifestPlaceholders MSBuild property or list the currentvalue of the property.
  • GitHub 4409:; expected prevented using comma-delimited lists in Aliases MSBuild itemmetadata on Xamarin.Android library project references.
  • GitHub PR 4422:error APT0001: unknown option.. was inaccurate for cases where an optionwas misspelled, and it did not yet mention the relevant MSBuild properties.
  • GitHub PR 4444:System.IO.IOException: The directory is not empty could sometimes preventthe RemoveDirFixed task from removing temporary build directories. The tasknow produces a warning instead, allowing the build to complete successfully.
  • GitHub 4478,GitHub 4486:On macOS, starting in Xamarin.Android 10.2, [INSTALL_FAILED_INVALID_APK: ..base.apk code is missing] and Module 'base' has no dex files preventeddeploying successfully for certain projects configured to use the DX DEXcompiler.

Application behavior on device and emulator

  • GitHub 4110:Unable to get provider mono.MonoRuntimeProvider_1:java.lang.ClassNotFoundException prevented apps containing broadcastreceivers from launching successfully if they were built with ProGuard or R8enabled.

Application Mono Framework behavior on device and emulator

  • GitHub 1368,GitHub 2049,GitHub 2518,GitHub 3035,GitHub 3905,Mono GitHub 14282,Mono GitHub PR 18239:System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object. .. atJava.Interop.JniPeerMembers.AssertSelf could cause apps to exit unexpectedly.
  • Mono GitHub 9314:Assertion at .. sgen-tarjan-bridge.c:1140, condition `xref_count xref_index' not met could cause apps to exit unexpectedly.
  • Mono GitHub 18917:Explicit implementations of interface properties were ignored if theinterfaces provided default implementations.

Design-time build

  • GitHub 2413:The _ManagedUpdateAndroidResgen target was running during every incrementaldesign-time build.

Bindings projects

  • GitHub PR 4385:You have Jar libraries, lint.jar, lint.jar, .. that have the identical namewith inconsistent file contents could prevent apps from using custom bindingslibraries for certain Java libraries. This was discovered while preparing newversions of the Xamarin.AndroidX bindings libraries.
  • Java.Interop GitHub 519:error CS1001: Identifier expected prevented building binding projects forJava libraries that defined classes outside of a Java package.
  • Java.Interop GitHub 565:error CS0103: The name 'p0' does not exist in the current context preventedbuilding bindings projects for Java libraries that contained explicitinterface property implementations.
  • Java.Interop GitHub 571:Kotlin: Hiding internal .. method caused missing bindings for public Kotlinmethods in cases where the method names were the same as the names of privateproperties or fields.
  • Java.Interop GitHub 572:Package-private nested types were not automatically excluded from bindings,resulting in errors similar to error: .. is not public in ..; cannot beaccessed from outside package when attempting to use the bindings.

Thank you

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A big Thank You! to community members who contributed improvements in thisrelease:

  • Andrey Kurdyumov (@kant2002),GitHub PR 3848:Use HTTPS protocol instead of Git protocol for xamarin-android repositorysubmodules that were using the Git protocol.
  • @mathieubourgeois,GitHub PR 3915:Add support for Android App Bundle configuration files.
  • Bruno Garcia (@bruno-garcia),GitHub PR 4004:Remove an unused libzip dependency from the xamarin-android source build.
  • giga bokuchava (@mister-giga),GitHub PR 4120:Experiment with providing an implicit operator to allow assigningAndroid.Graphics.Color instances from int literals.
  • Christopher Atlan (@catlan),GitHub PR 4197:Add implementations of Stream.Seek() and other related properties forStream instances from Android APIs where the original Java return typesinherit from FileInputStream.


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Your feedback is important to us. If there are any problems with this release, check ourGitHub Issues,Xamarin.Android Community Forums andVisual Studio Developer Communityfor existing issues. For new issues within the Xamarin.Android SDK, please report aGitHub Issue.For general Xamarin.Android experience issues, let us know via theReport a Problemoption found in your favorite IDE under Help > Report a Problem.

Open source

Xamarin.Android 10.3 is based on the open-source Xamarin.Android repositories:

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  • Core JNI interaction logic is in the Java.Interop repo.
  • Android bindings and MSBuild tooling are in the xamarin-android repo.
  • Chat is in the xamarin/xamarin-android Gitter channel.

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